“Murder and Mayhem” – at breakfast?

“He killed my Uncle John.” In 2010 local historian and Sentinel reporter Joe Cress wrote a book Murder and Mayhem in Cumberland County relating tales of the dark side of this county’s history. On the cover, a man in handcuffs is being led away by the sheriff after he had murdered a Carlisle lawyer, and […]
Veterans Day 2011

The Carlisle House Hosted6 Veterans for the Nationwide B&Bs for Vets Celebration! Innkeepers said thank you to those who’ve served our country by giving veterans a special Veterans Day wake up on 11-11-11. Hundreds of Inns and B&Bs throughout North America opened their doors yesterday, November 10, 2011 to active and retired military by offering […]
Dickinson Discovery Day – Nov 12!!

Visit Carlisle for the Dickinson Discovery Day Visit Dickinson College November 12 for a special introductory visit, offering a glimpse of the Dickinson education and opportunities. Learn about the global scope of the renowned Dickinson international curriculum and studies. Learn more about the academic experience from the faculty and students. Tour campus and eat lunch […]
B&B = Balloons and Breakfast Today

Hardin Minor – Entertainer! What great fun we had today at breakfast! Hardin Minor, our special guest and entertainer extraordinaire, on his way home to Charlotte from a performance in NYC, gave young Ella, an enchanted and special performance with his humor and balloon creations…from teddy bears to magic hats and swords! What a great […]