Gal and Valentine’s Day: An Accurate History Starting in the 3rd Century

Happy February In Carlisle, we’re all about history. The Downtown of Carlisle is a historic district. Both Galentine’s and Valentine’s Day have a rich history. So why not a single place where you can get a whole history of Galentine’s and Valentine’s Day? When Is Galentine’s Day Galentine’s Day is typically celebrated annually on February […]
Happy New Years 2024 From Carlisle House Bed and Breakfast

Happy New Year’s!! Welcome to the first blog of the new year! I am so sorry that this blog is coming out so late, but with New Year’s and all the craziness, it’s just taken me a little longer to get it out. It was intended for earlier in the year but things happen sometimes. […]
Make This Winter the Best 1 With These Activities

Hello! Welcome Back to The Carlisle House Blog! As the weather gets colder, the fun doesn’t stop in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Here is a list of fun things to do in Carlisle, a little bit about winter in Carlisle, staff favorite holiday songs, and what winter looks like in Carlisle! What Is Winter? When Does It […]
1st (and final) Exciting Remodel Done to Carlisle House Bed and Breakfast

Whole Carlisle House Remodel Have you ever remodeled your home? That’s exactly what we did for the 10,000 square feet of this home. Since October of 2022, we have been working on a whole Carlisle House remodel. This includes painting every room, refreshing beds, and finding new artwork and furniture for each room, all while […]
The Beauty of Fall in Carlisle in 2023

Welcoming in a New Season Happy fall, from the Carlisle House to you! What makes Carlisle so wonderful in the fall? A rush of college students coming back, Fall Carlisle and there are so many things to do in Carlisle this fall! Because things are never as simple as we aspire for them to be, […]
Best Ice Cream Places in The Area (11)

Happy National Ice Cream Day! Today is National Ice Cream Day! We wanted to share all the ice cream places in the area and any discounts that might be offered, as well as some history and fun facts. There will be both chains and local shops on this list! History of the Day Why do […]
Welcome to Carlisle House B&B New in 2023!

Welcome to the New Carlisle House Bed and Breakfast Welcome to Carlisle House Bed and Breakfast, rejuvenated and thriving in 2023. The blog has not been consistent in a while, partially because of new ownership, the Pandemic, and other unforeseen circumstances. Really, there are lots of valid reasons why the blog has been missing lately. […]